About Us

One Company, The Best Buyer

When you work with Ocean Harbor Capital, you are working with an acquisitions company that partners up with the best operator to purchase your property, which means a competitive offer from a qualified buyer without going to market.

Transparent Evaluation and Offer Process

At Ocean Harbor Capital, we believe in complete transparency, thoroughly evaluating your property and scheduling a call to walk you through our findings before going to contract. We’ll show you exactly how we arrived at our offer, using clear facts and figures. This means we are starting from a fact-based offer, rather than guessing, getting it under contract, and then renegotiating. We respect your time and won’t proceed to contract unless we are on the same page about the price and terms.

Creative Financing Terms

Our goal at Ocean Harbor Capital is to structure deals in a way that benefits both parties, ensuring a successful transaction. We are committed to making deals work by offering creative financing terms, if necessary, to get a deal closed. If you are open to flexible terms, we can often come close to or match your desired price, provided it is reasonable.

Gain Insights for Future Sale

Working with Ocean Harbor Capital offers valuable insights, even if you decide not to sell right now. You’ll gain a clear understanding of how most buyers will evaluate your asset, learn ways to improve operations to make your property more appealing to future buyers, and establish a relationship with a trusted partner familiar with your asset. When you’re ready to sell, you can contact us and pick up where we left off and get the deal closed.

How it Works

Step 1
Discovery Call

We start with a conversation to understand your goals and gather initial information about your property. This helps us determine if we are a good fit and sets the stage for a smooth process.

Step 2
Provide Financial Documents

Next, you’ll provide us with the necessary financial documents so we can thoroughly evaluate your property. This allows us to assess its performance and understand its value in the current market.

Step 3
Evaluation Review and Offer Call

Finally, we schedule a call to review our detailed evaluation based on your property’s performance and market conditions. We’ll explain how we arrived at our offer and present you with a competitive proposal, ensuring you have all the information needed to make an informed decision.

Let's Talk.